Live Fish Swim Upstream, Dead Fish Drift Downstream & Half True, Half False / WuTiaoRen double album
活鱼逆流而上,死鱼随波逐流 & 一半真情流露,一半靠表演 / 五条人双专辑

DESIGNER : Hu Zhenchao
CLIENT :  Modern Sky
YEAR : 2022
  Music       Vinyl record  
WuTiaoRen released two albums in 2022, namely "Live Fish Swim Upstream, Dead Fish Drift Downstream" and "Half True, Half False".
Regarding these two albums, the band said:"These two twin albums are related to two movies that do not exist yet. It should be said that they are two soundtracks without movies... Calvino has "Invisible Cities", and we have "soundtracks without movies". You can also imagine a movie world that belongs to you based on these songs."
The band even "forged" trailers for two movies (real shooting and release), namely "Southern Love Song" and "The Poet Next Door". In the visual presentation of the album, we edited the stills of the two trailers, and then integrated multiple scenes into the cover through the grating process to maintain the narrative of "movie/music" and create a montage effect.
关于这两张专辑,乐队如是说: “这两张孪生专辑跟两部目前暂时还不存在的电影有关,应该说它们是两张没有电影的电影原声……卡尔维诺有《看不见的城市》,我们有“没有电影的电影原声”。你也可以根据这些歌曲来想象一个属于你的电影世界。”

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