Heytea National Day "Together" themed joint creation

DESIGNER :  Hu Zhenchao/He Sijing/Lv Jiewen
YEAR : 2020
  Exhibition & Event  
During the National Day, the famous brand Heytea invited a designer from the north and south of China to create works based on the theme. In the north, it was Pang Kuan, a member of the New Pants band, and in the south, it was Beard Design Studio. The theme of this joint venture is "Getting Together", emphasizing the value of getting together between people after the epidemic. We use neon and other elements. The feasting and feasting are the characteristics of southern nights and the fireworks of people getting along with each other. At the same time, we use such expression techniques to depict the daily life items in the south, which are closely related to the young people living in the south. Finally, according to the brand tone of Heytea, the black background was removed, and the design was applied to the product packaging of each Heytea store as a special edition during the National Day.
国庆期间,著名品牌喜茶从中国北方南方各邀请一名设计师根据主题进行创作,北方是新裤子乐队成员庞宽, 南方则是胡子设计工作室。此次联名主题是“相聚”, 强调的是疫情之后的人与人之间相聚可贵。我们采用的 是霓虹等的元素,灯红酒绿是南方夜色的特点,是人与 人相处的烟火气,同时用这样的表现手法去刻画南方的 生活物品,这些物品与南方生活的年轻人息息相关。最 后根据喜茶的品牌调性,退去黑色背景,并将设计应用 与喜茶的每个门店的产品包装,作为国庆期间的特别版。

© Hu Design,Guangzhou,2014-2024.